Anything is Something

To a Friend Who Isn’t Happy With Her Body

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I haven’t written here in a while.

But recently, I was asked to write one of many letters for a women’s event. These letters were meant to encourage women from multiple perspectives. My perspective was “Staying Fit.” May it encourage you, as that is my hope in everything.

I See You

But more importantly, God sees you

You are valuable and loved in every single moment.

It is okay to want to strengthen and improve your body, but first remember what your body has done and what your body is: your body was created by God. It was given to you by God to carry you through this life.

It can heal itself when it is hurt.

It can carry children when your heart is tired.

It can hold a friend when you don’t have any words. 

So be kind to your body. Be kind to yourself. The troubles in this life are so very hard and Jesus says, “take heart, I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33). 

Sometimes it’s hard to stay fit but move as much as you can to stay healthy. Walk outside and breathe the fresh air. Work up a sweat to help with your anxiety. Strengthen your muscles to help you do your daily tasks better. Make time for yourself and let that be okay. Move where and when you can and have grace for yourself when you can’t… Because God has all the grace in the world for you.

Blessings on you, friend.

Who Can You Encourage Today?

Even if you don’t have much to give…

If you don’t have anything but your own broken story to share…




Your story is important and what you share could mean the world to someone. So who can you encourage today?

2 responses to “To a Friend Who Isn’t Happy With Her Body”

    • Thank you so much for your comment! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. After a short break, I’m back at it so I hope you’ll check back for more posts in the future. 🙂